Did you know…

…there is so much to discover about loyalty and incentive marketing? The solutions are endless! Through our years of experience we have built up very specialized knowledge, which we like to share with you in our blogs.

Are you missing an article? Please let us know! Our loyalty experts are happy to write an additional blog about it.

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2 handen die puzzelstukjes vasthouden en samen de tekst 'possible' vormen.

Overcoming challenges in loyalty management

18 April 2024

This blog addresses some of the most common challenges in loyalty management and discusses strategies to overcome them.

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sfeerbeeld van 2 puzzelstukjes die naar elkaar worden geduwd

Power up with a structural loyalty program

18 April 2024

We often see "quick fix" solutions, such as simple stamp cards or a sporadic gift card. While these initiatives can be effective in the short term, they lack the power and consistency of a structural loyalty program. Therefore, bundle your strength!

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krant war het woord 'succes' wordt uitgelicht via een vergrootglas in de vorm van een wereldbol

Measuring the success of loyalty programs

18 April 2024

Measuring the success of a loyalty program is crucial for optimizing your strategy and achieving maximum results. But how do we actually measure the success of these programs?

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Three tips for optimizing your loyalty strategy

23 February 2024

An effective loyalty strategy can not only retain customers, but also attract new customers and increase overall sales. How you can apply this for your business? With the 3 tips from this blog, we'll get you started!

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(Digital) gift cards are popular

2 November 2022

(Digital) gift cards are becoming increasingly popular. Curious why gift cards are suitable for loyalty campaigns? You can read it in our blog.

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Wat is een loyaliteitsprogramma? - blog Touch Incentive

What is a loyalty program?

15 March 2022

A loyalty program is a structured marketing effort to reward and promote loyal, desired behavior. How? That's what you'll read in this blog!

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…there is so much to discover about loyalty and incentive marketing? The solutions are endless! Through our years of experience we have built up very specialized knowledge, which we like to share with you in our blogs.

Are you missing an article? Please let us know! Our loyalty experts are happy to write an additional blog about it.


Learn more incentive marketing or are you interested in an impactful loyalty and incentive solution? Our loyalty experts know everything about it. Contact us using this form!

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