Juncker Plus

How can Juncker give substance to long-term cooperation with loyal dealers and encourage them to purchase more bicycle parts and products via the and products via the ordering platform?

Approach Touch

Touch developed a completely customized Juncker Plus platform. Through this platform, loyal Juncker dealers can save and earn points. Allocated Plus Points can be redeemed at any time for a diverse range of free gifts such as day trips, cinema vouchers, gadgets and items for the branch.

For every € 100 a dealer orders bicycle parts on a weekly basis, they receive 100 Plus Points. In addition, dealers also earn points when they participate in promotions or events.

On birthdays and when the company has turned a year older, dealers receive additional Plus Points, and account managers have the option of awarding additional Plus Points themselves.

The program is explicitly aimed at the entire team on the floor both in its communication and in the way of rewarding, because everyone contributes and counts!

Thanks to the support of the LoyaltyPoint Software & Service package, the accessibility for participating dealers, processes around points registration, offering and sending incentives and part of the marketing communication is taken out of their hands.

Primary objectives

  • Increase the added value of Juncker Bike Parts by providing additional services;
  • Strengthen and reward the connection and personal relationship with dealers;
  • Provide the dealership with an additional tool to serve as a fine employer by including staff in the program;
  • Make campaigns more attractive (without additional discounts) and target specific products;
  • Increase in sales among mid- and high-end dealers.


  • Successful kick-off thanks in part to enthusiastic Juncker account managers and easy Single Sign-on application on the B2B portal.
  • Over 70% of all dealers activated their Juncker Plus account within four months.
  • The sales index of participating dealers is 15% higher than non-participants during the same period.

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