5 questions for Selime Krasnici

Foto van Selime Krasnici, Project Manager Loyaliteitsprogramma bij Touch Incentive

Selime has been working as Project Manager at Touch Incentive since 2023, having previously completed an internship with us.

“We work with many different savings and incentive programmes and we get quite a few different questions about this. This way, no day is ever the same.”

1. Hoe start je je werkdag?

I start my day delightfully with a cup of tea and then I boot up my computer. Next, the first thing I do is look at all my e-mails and requests for the day. I categorise these according to urgency and then start working on them immediately.

2. Wat zijn je werkzaamheden op je dag?

With our customer service team, we make sure we can speak to customers by phone and e-mail at all times. I myself am also responsible for processing daily orders and back-office work for various platforms.

3. Op welk project of eindproduct waaraan jij hebt bijgedragen ben je trots?

In addition to my role as Service Agent, I have since taken over some of my colleague’s tasks for the ING Points shop. This includes customer service, back office work, ordering e-vouchers and delivering them to the ING Points web shop. A very nice addition to my duties!

4. Wat maakt jouw functie zo leuk?

The diversity is what makes my job so much fun! We work with many different savings and incentive programmes and we get quite a few different questions about them. No two days are ever the same. My job is also great fun because I get to work with my colleagues.

5. Heb jij een vraag aan Selime? Stel deze hier!