5 questions for Sandra Rook

Foto van Sandra Rook, Service Agent bij Touch Incentive

Sandra has been working as a Service Agent for the Promotions department since 2021.

“It’s nice to help people and to know that I was able to do something for them.”

1. How do you start your working day?

I always arrive on time to get some tea for myself and my colleagues first. Of course I also have a chat with colleagues every morning! I think that coziness is very important. After that I start the day calmly. At 9.00 I turn on the phone and start answering the emails and pick up the phone calls that slowly trickle in.

2. What are your activities on a day?

I mainly deal with all incoming customer questions. These can be questions about how the customer can redeem a code on one of our platforms, but also a question about an order. I do everything I can to help the customer. That also makes it varied.

In addition, I process the orders every morning. We keep these in a file so that we have everything clearly together. Sometimes orders have to be sent manually. I can then see that in the overview and pick it up immediately.

In addition, I process the orders every morning. We keep these in a file so that we have everything clearly together. Sometimes orders have to be sent manually. I can then see that in the overview and pick it up immediately.

3. Which project or final product to which you contributed makes you proud?

The promotion with Essent was huge. All Essent customers could choose a present. This action was a huge success, but it also raised a number of questions. If customers were unable to place the order, I could help them with that. When you hear how happy and grateful the customer is, I think ‘this is what I do it for’. I am therefore proud that together we ensured that all customers received an answer to their question. We really did that as one team!

4. What makes your job so enjoyable?

My job is so nice because it is very varied. I get a lot of satisfaction from helping customers with their questions. It’s nice to help people and to know that I was able to do something for them. Often the people on the other end of the line are very positive. That makes me happy again.

5. Do you have a question for Sandra? Ask your question here!