5 questions for Frederique van Noord

Frederique has been working at Touch for fifteen years. Since the beginning of 2019 she has been working as a Product Manager in the Tickets department.

“It is very nice to see that our campaign is a great success with the customer.”

1. How do you start your working day?

Usually I start the day with a cup of tea and then I work through the last emails from the day before. I often have the first internal appointment or a meeting with one of our partners around ten o’clock.

2. What are your activities on a day?

I am mainly involved in project management for the promotions of Albert Heijn, Etos, Personeelsvoordeelwinkel, ING Punten and our other channels.

I also maintain contact with the partners who provide the content and I am involved in delivering the right content for all our platforms. In addition, I ensure that the calendars of the partners are filled and I arrange the financial settlement of our projects.

3. Which project or final product to which you contributed makes you proud?

I am most proud of the stand alone campaigns at Albert Heijn and Etos. I am often involved in this from start to finish and it is great to see that our campaign is a great success.

4. What makes your job so enjoyable?

I am in contact with various parties and this often involves outings such as a visit to amusement parks and zoos. These are beautiful products and also beautiful brands to work with.

I also really enjoy seeing campaigns that we have set up through the media and on the shop floor. Then I see my own work reflected in, for example, a folder or a television or radio advertisement. That’s very cool!

5. Do you have a question for Frederique? Ask your question here!