1. How do you start your working day?
It depends on whether I work from home, have appointments outside or have an office day. If I work from home, I usually start the day with a cup of coffee before checking my mail.
2. What are your activities on a day?
My responsibilities include a number of key accounts where the focus is on physical products. During the day, I have a lot of contact with customers and suppliers, but also with Category Management colleagues for sourcing new products, for example.
3. Which project or final product to which you contributed makes you proud?
I am proud of all the deals, joint promotions and choice gift concepts for the holidays. It doesn’t matter to me whether a project is mega big or a small deal. If we come to a nice end result together, client, supplier and Touch Incentive, there is always a long-term partnership in it and that is always the goal in the end!
4. What makes your job so enjoyable?
To perform my job well, I have contact with both suppliers and customers. Here, building on the relationship is a priority, working together on a long-term partnership. In addition, sourcing new products and/or A-brands is a very nice touch.